garden romance

May 15, 2012

Fashion + flora always makes for beautiful pictures.

{Fashion Gone Rouge via Honestly WTF}

you're invited: madewell style sessions

May 14, 2012

There are a lot of things Madewell does really well. They make great jeans. They capture pattern, texture and detail in a really cool way. And they've got a great eye for finding under-the-radar brands. But what I love most is their knack for pulling it all together in a seriously stylish yet laid-back way. Which is why I'm excited to be a part of the Madewell Style Sessions happening this Thursday at the Garden State Plaza store. Come on down to sip and shop with some cool tunes, special deals and lots of summer style tips. RSVP here. Hope to see you there.

Being Present in Motherhood

May 13, 2012

In honor of the amazing experiences motherhood brings, here are some words of wisdom from yogi-mamas on how yoga has helped them be better mothers. They're all great reminders to be present for all of the wonderful moments with your little ones. Happy Mother's Day!

"Yoga has taught me how to take one more moment to attune myself to my son. When I remember to do this, we both experience a profound connection to each other and to ourselves." Elena Brower

"Because of my practice I know that I won't get any moments of this life back and that makes every moment a precious jewel that I keep close and sacred. My drishti is on my boys, like a laser. And that beam of consciousness, like all drishtis lights the way." Stephanie Snyder

"Yoga grounds me and has helped me learn to stay in the present moment, appreciating the miracles that lie before me. I know that the virtues of patience peace and calm are benefits of my yoga practice that I weave into my everyday life as a parent." Latham Thomas

"Yoga teaches us to trust ourselves, to strengthen in some places, and to soften, heal and open in others, to see ourselves clearly, to know ourselves deeply, and to uncover what is true for us. Over the last 20 years, it has taught me to treat myself with compassion, kindness and patience, to be less reactive and more responsive, to listen well, to breathe deeply, and to tap into that limitless well of love and joy we all possess naturally. I feel I'm able to offer those qualities to my children as a result, and to recognize that these two little beings are the greatest miracles in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that I'm a better mom because of yoga." Ally Hamilton

{More on this and one woman's honest take on motherhood at MindBodyGreen}

a haiku for feist

May 9, 2012

Feist’s concert at Radio City this past weekend was mind-blowing. There are few words to describe how magical her voice is, so I decided to write a haiku.

your sensual voice
hauntingly mesmerizing
echoes in my soul.


{image here}

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