I Will Never Forget

September 11, 2011

As a little girl I would beg my dad to drive along Boulevard East so I could lose myself in thought while gazing at the magnificence of the New York City skyline. Some of my fondest memories of family walks took place in the shadow of the skyline. And for four years I started and ended my day with the view of the skyline outside my apartment windows. The New York City skyline has served as the backdrop to my life.  It shaped my drive, my dreams and who I am today. As I think about all of the memories I have that are defined by that amazing view it saddens me to know that Julian will never get to see it as I once did.

I will always remember the day that forever changed such a precious part of my life. A day that arose feelings of sadness and despair like I had never experienced before. A day where I felt connected to everyone I walked by on the street because we were all feeling the same sense of fear and confusion as we tried to make sense of the tragic events that were unfolding before our eyes. It was a surreal experience to walk the city streets that awful day. It was perhaps the longest day of my life. A day I will never forget because I can never forget.

In the days leading up to September 11, 2001 I took a boat cruise around New York City. The boat stopped in front of all the NY landmarks, including the World Trade Center. It's almost as if time stood still as I marveled in the glory of those two beautiful buildings and snapped picture after picture of their beauty. After the 9/11 attacks I developed the film from that day hoping the pictures would provide some sort of solace. Imagine my disbelief upon discovering that the buildings did not appear in not one single picture. All that appeared was a big blur, yet every other landmark I photographed -- the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the bridges -- they were all there. The eerie feeling that came over me at that very moment is one I will never be able to shake.

Today I grieve for the lives lost and the people touched by 9/11. I remember a colleague who lost her life that day. I listen to and admire the stories of the survivors. I honor and quietly thank the heroes that risked their lives to help others. I smile thinking about just how much I loved to stare at those amazing structures that once towered over the Hudson River. And I am comforted by my son, who as I type this post walked over to me, asked if I was ok, and proceeded to give me a kiss.


dbp said...

Beautiful. I remember our parents talking about the day JFK was shot and remembering every detail of where they were, who they were with, how they felt.

Today I can relate. I remember the feeling of heaviness and the sense of loss for more than just a pair of buildings I'd never set foot in. And although I can recall having to tear myself away from the TV and from CNN.com because the sadness was threatening to be all consuming, what sticks out the most is how NICE we all were to one another. How supportive, how understanding. How much we shared each others' pain and used that terrible moment in our history to connect as human beings and recognize the fragility of life.

I hope that today will remind people of how good life can be when we can rally as a people. I hope our country will remember how great it can be when we choose unity instead of division. 9/11 made me sad in a way I hope never to replicate, but it also made me hope. And I think we could all use a little more of that today! Thanks for this beautiful post.

Barbie // Fringe and Feathers said...

Beautifully put, my friend. It truly was touching and inspiring to see people come together, share and support each other through that tragedy. And still today.

Thanks for sharing. xo

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine what it was like living in NYC on Sept. 11, 2001. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I lived in Wisconsin at the time...so far removed but also so incredibly connected that day. Beautiful post.

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