Slow weekend mornings

February 27, 2011

Given our hectic weekday schedule, weekends must move at a slow least in the morning. And luckily, Jules is pretty good about giving into a laid-back weekend schedule. Here's how we go about our easy breezy weekend mornings...

Tunes and brunch on Saturday. For us, Saturday mornings are about staying in bed for as long as possible. Jules wakes up anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 and climbs into my bed to watch TV. He gets his milk as usual, but we don't head over to the kitchen to have breakfast. Instead, we have something small like a muffin in bed (who would've thought I'd ever eat in bed!) and just hang for the rest of the morning. When the weather cooperates, we walk over to the park for a bit before brunch. Otherwise, I pull up one of our fav Pandora weekend stations and we dance, color or play low-key games...ultimately, we just chill.

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Pancakes and flowers on Sunday. Pancakes and OJ have become our Sunday ritual. I cook up an entire batch and refrigerate some for the week ahead. This has really helped us shake up our weekday breakfast routine and it gives me a break throughout the week as well.

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I've also started to embrace Sunday morning food experiences (referring to grocery shopping as food experiences makes it feel less dreadful). I usually try to avoid running errands on the weekends, but given my new approach to food experiences and my handy shopping list, I've taken to making this part of our Sunday routine (when necessary). I try to make it fun for Jules by encouraging him to call out the names and colors of the food. And the folks at Trader Joe's are great about handing out stickers or balloons (proof of the sticker fun below). He also insists that we have flowers in the house at all times (when we don't have any he walks around saying 'my flowers mama, what happened') so he helps me pick them out. And with Spring around the corner (I hope), Sunday morning trips to the farmers market will help set a relaxed tone for our Sunday fundays. 

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